January 19, 2012

Rest in Peace....

It's yet another sad day in the skiing community. Freeskier Sarah Burke succumbed to injuries sustained in a skiing accident early this month. I don't want to count the number of skiers I know who have passed on. Yes, they are in a better place. Yes, they died doing what they love. But it is so hard to deal with the loss of a fellow athlete. Is our sport becoming to dangerous? Should skiers limit the level of progression? I love skiing more than anything in the world, but with recent deaths, such thoughts of the danger constantly pass through my mind. I don't want them to hold me back, I wish I could filter them out. I wish we were all indestructible. But the reality is as skiers we are living on edge, every turn we make, whether we realize it or not. No I will never give up skiing, I will never stop what I love most. But I cannot deny I have fear, the question is will fear hold me back or is fear setting safer boundaries?

Rest In Peace Sarah.